Friday, October 18, 2013

Flash Fiction #1

In the evening of the fifth consecutive day without sleep, I had wandered to the local pond. I do not recall how I made the decision to walk to the pond nor do I remember the walk itself. The delusions by this point of exhaustion were extremely difficult to separate from reality. A man suddenly appeared -I cannot say from where he came- and began to wade out into the pond. He had on overalls and the water quickly wicked up his pant legs, making the cotton a darker blue as it rose. I remember seeing this and thinking that he was being erased with every step he took; the pond just an inkwell swallowing up his legs. He stopped a few paces out and I swear to you that all the fish in the pond came to him. Dark spots gathered around the man like concert goers in an amphitheater waiting for the show to begin. He had bread in each pocket and tore small pieces off and tossed them to the fish. Him feeding the fish like this reminded me of a time I saw an elderly gentleman feeding some pigeons in the park. I watched as one flew up to land on this man's head and immediately thank him for the bread crumbs by defecating that disgusting white mess. I let out a laugh at the memory of watching it run down his forehead and dribble off his nose. The man in the pond suddenly turns to me -I don't think he knew I was there- and as he turns his face towards me, I can see that it is featureless. The skin was stretched tight over the sockets of his eyes and where his nose should be, was just a small bump pressing firmly from under the tight skin. His mouth, completely non existent, was terrifying to me but I could not stop myself from laughing that uncomfortable laugh.

If this was something you enjoyed reading, try some of the other morsels I've baked. I promise they are gluten free and don't taste all that terrible. 

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