Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dream Sequence #8

In my dream,
I don't remember how I arrived in the ocean at night but I was out in the Pacific somewhere in the dead of night.
There was an enormous cruise liner floating in the water about 500 feet from my side.
I remember wearing a full neoprene wetsuit and had one of those handheld underwater cameras you see on nature documentaries.
There was a small light fixed to it but the ocean was so dark that the light could not penetrate into the depths.
The ocean was slightly choppy and the perspective of what was happening in my dream was me observing me bobbing in the chop.
I was the omniscient author observing the protagonist up close, yet feeling the same emotions as said protagonist.
I remember writing the series of events but also fulfilling the role as "me" going through them, and changing the outcome immeasurably. 
Sorry if that was confusing.
I don't remember why I was out swimming out in the ocean at night but I remember feeling extremely nervous about what could be lurking.
Over and over, I had to tell myself that nothing was going to happen.
This soothed me momentarily and then I would think of a leviathan type creature with long tendrils coming up from the depths and sucking me under.
Again I would tell myself that it was irrational of me to think such ludicrous things.
At one point I was comfortable enough to dive under the water but quickly surfaced with extra panic.
It was after this moment that the omniscient me just became me.
No more dual perspective. It was just me now.
The water was just too dark.
I wasn't afraid of sharks, I remember that specifically.
It was the damn thought of something I could not explain that left me in fear. 
Off in the distance, in the sky above the cruise liner, I saw a large pink explosion.
It made no noise, but the sight of it after having just tried to swim underwater and surfacing from panic was too much.
As I was making my way back to the boat I saw the explosion again.
It was not a natural sight to see and I thought it was extraterrestrial activity.
This thought was due to the fact that the explosion was A) Pink and B) In the configuration of a large elephant.
Still, as funny as it is now to think about, it woke me up and I was not able to fall back asleep.
So I walked around my house for a few minutes.
Sometimes when I dream, I wake up and feel what was happening in my dream as reality.
If the dream was spooky enough (never content wise, but always my emotional state of being in the dream) I will wake and not want to fall back into the same dream.
So I find small things to do or fixate on to pass the time so that the dream that woke me will be replaced with one more friendly to sleep.
The end.

If you want to read more dreams, visit the archives of my blog. I cannot promise more will have pink exploding elephants in them, but I can promise that the majority will make you think, "waaaaahhhh?"

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