Friday, October 11, 2013

Dream Sequence #6

In my dream,
I was riding my bike down a street in a city that I do not recognize.
I remember feeling free and happy that I was on the bike which makes me think that I was young in the dream.
The bike is gone and now I am in an old convertible Buick and my uncle that is dead in real life is there in my dream and he stops me.
I remember him being quite rude which is not a quality he had in real life.
He demanded that I take my sister who was sick and throwing up, to the hospital.
I remember thinking that this was the stupidest thing to take a girl who was only throwing up to the hospital when she could just eat a Tums or something.
Next thing I know, my grandmother is there, who is also not alive anymore.
My uncle is telling me that nanny is sick too and that she also needs to go to the hospital with my sister.
My brother appears in the car so now it's a full car and the top is down.
I begin to drive and drive real fast so that the wind cools the two sick people off and maybe they won't be as sick.
The road turns into a crazy highway twisting and curving.
It's built very high off the ground and there are many different roads all twisting below it going different directions and all have speeding cars on them.
For some reason I am in the back seat now and the roof is up and my grandmother is driving.
I ask from the back seat to have the AC turned up in the car so that the windows could unfog and keep the two from getting sick.
Nanny, she is driving crazy and weaving all over and I remember thinking that if she has a temperature, she might not be fit enough to drive.
So I tell her to pull over.
She starts to do so but can't keep control of the car and heads straight for a parked car.
I leap from the backseat and slam on the brakes and grab the wheel from her.
She is pissed and over correcting the steering wheel.
I remember feeling the sensation of applying a great deal of pressure to the brakes of the car but it not slowing down much.
We rocket up this hill and my grandmother is telling me to watch for the slabs of concrete jutting from the edge.
We dodge them all and explode through this open gate onto a field of grass.
There are cars slowly proceeding in a single file line.
I quickly realize that we just drove onto a tiger drive thru type park.
They are everywhere and docile and not at all like real tigers.
Some are plump and jumping very abnormally which makes me think they are cartoons and not real tigers.
The worn out path in the grass we are on gives way to a bog and the car disappears.
The tigers are gone and now the path is really flooded and I am digging my legs into the soft mud beneath the surface of the water that looked something like you'd see on a nature show in the Amazon.
The kind where they go swimming in the flooded forest and all the tree roots are drowned with water and places that used to be dry land are now under 15 feet of water.
There are yellow flowers floating on the small channel of water that bends around the corner.
I swim and the water turns into pool water and everyone that was in the car is now back with me.
It was a new park that was a pool.
There were other groups floating on cars and looking at the animals swimming.
The pool water was very cloudy and I remember thinking that we must have been in the 1940s.
We are in a pink Lamborghini Countach and I know this because a guy in the car next to us is freaking out that we are in a Countach in the water.
My grandmother and sister are no longer sick as the cool water has cured them.
I remember sneaking out of the car and swimming in the pool and seeing a miniture beaver swimming under the water.
I thought to myself how a park like this couldn't exist in the future because someone would have been bit by the beaver and sued to the park and it would shut down.
The end

This is a Lamborghini Countach if you might not have known what it looked like.

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