Monday, October 14, 2013

Because I saw someone else do it

A few days ago I read an article about a man who only eats raw meat. I found it fascinating but only because of how it made my stomach convulse thinking about trying it for myself. I'll be honest and say that I'm the type of person who can't eat fat on steaks. Does this make me less of a man? I'm not sure. Guess it depends how you quantify being a "man". Anyhow, I cut all the fat out because my stomach has this socially awkward record of making me throw up in my mouth when attempting to swallow fat. Don't judge me! I try. It's an automatic thing. It just happens okay?

My brother and I went to the store the day of me reading this article and as he was buying groceries I told him I was thinking about trying raw lamb. We went over to the meat section and I couldn't do it. A) Lamb is expensive. B) I thought about how many worms must be living in that dude.

So tonight my brother surprises me with a lamb heart he purchased at the local COOP.

I must say that is was not all that bad. It did smell like iron and pretty much taste exactly like blood (go figure, right?).

For those who doubt my actual eating of the heart, here go.
I tried to tear some off with just my teeth but it wasn't working all that well. So I used a knife and sliced ribbons off. Not all that much is gone because my gag reflex really fought me.

It occurred to me while I was typing out this entry that me eating lamb heart and posting about it is RIDICULOUS. People eat this all the freaking time. It's sold in the grocery store after all. Tribes of people all over the world look at this as a delicacy. But not sheltered me. Not brainwashed into only eating cooked foods me.

I guess eating it raw is something unusual but I want everyone who reads this to know that I do not think of myself as being anything noteworthy because I ate raw lamb heart. It's just not something I've ever done. Nor do I think most people would even entertain the idea of doing it.

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