Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dream sequence #5

In my dream,
I remember traveling down a country road in a classic car.
The dashboard was not very bright and all the knobs were chrome.
I remember bouncing in the bench seat every time we went over a bump.
It took me some time to figure out that Taylor Swift was piloting the car and that I had no earthly idea where we were going nor why Taylor Swift was driving.
I have this generic picture in my mind that surfaces whenever I reach a point in a story or novel that describes a country road that winds through a high-desert hillside and we were traveling down this same mental picture.
The trees were dark and I was floating above the car looking down from a home with large windows that sat at the top of the hill.
I could see the tail lights of the car as it past down on the road below and then teleported back to the car with Taylor still at the wheel.
She looked over at me and told me that she was taking me to see her family and some of her friends.
It wasn't until this moment that the impact of her being a celebrity became a thing in this dream; before this moment she was just an attractive woman driving the car with me bobbing up and down in the seat next to her without a seat belt on.
I remember slowly pulling up to this sharp 90° corner in the road and as she began to turn the steering wheel, hand over hand, we skipped the turn and were now walking.
Off to the left was tall grass illuminated by the headlights of the car we just left running.
The scenery became something I remember seeing in Nitro Circus when the guys fixed wings to the dirt bike and tried to get it to fly.
The grass was cut short and straight like a run way with tall grass running parallel on our left side.
We were walking and I remember holding her hand and thinking that I wasn't going to be like any other boyfriend she had.
I would buy my own dinner and pay for the things I wanted to do and not ask her for anything; I thought she would find this noble and want to be with me.
I pictured me working at a fast food joint and being damn proud of dating Taylor Swift but still keeping my job and independence. 
We were walking and kids starting showing up all around us.
There was a roaring fire off to our right hand side and down the runway a bit.
Some adult were gathered around it with cans of beer in there hand.
I remember knocking kids down as they ran screaming up to her wanting an autograph.
I became her body guard and thought to myself that this is another way she will see how different I am and thus want to be with me.
I told her that I get how annoying it must be for fans to always want a picture and that I would prevent that as much as possible.
Taylor would giggle at me slamming these kids down all while still holding he hand gently.
The people all disappeared and we were having a picnic in the Arizona desert sun in a small cul-de-sac type outcropping in the shrubbery.
Just me and Taylor swift on a blanket.
I asked her to sing to me and she began to sing a song but it was not her voice.
It was the voice of the singer from Lamb Of God coming from her mouth, and Taylor moving her lips very delicately like she does in her music videos.
The end

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