Tuesday, October 8, 2013

If you rock the car, so will I

Tonight, on the way home from Pho, some college kids in a large old Isuzu pulled up behind me at a stoplight. I watched them in my side mirror rock the SUV back and forth while the driver had the dorkiest smile on his face. They had their windows rolled up and cheering on one another (loud enough to be heard with their windows up AND my windows up AND my music on. So at the next stoplight, I decided to get my girlfriend involved in rocking our car. Needless to say, the kids behind us got excited. It made me think of the time a kid at a party came up to me and said that I could be his friend because we were both drinking Bud Light; a connection between two people need not always be over the top. Simply drinking the same brand of beer can suffice. Anyways, the kids behind us rolled down their windows and began to holler. I looked in the side mirror again and their SUV was rocking side to side.

It made me laugh to see these kids so damn excited about doing this at stoplights. Lesson learned: sometimes it's fun to make some college kids' night.

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