Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Black dog. Tongue out. Bike ride and a rabbit

On a bike ride today; dog black and tongue out, I his owner kept a solid pace 'til foam dripping and flicking slung out from each bounce side to side he kept rhythm of heavy but not too heavy breath. The tire tread gripping old road worn out patched and bumpy we jumped curbs dodged squirrels, cats. I, listening to chain bounce slap aluminum; keep balance with leash taut wrapped tight left hand hanging out to my side waiting for him to take up the slack; pull me from the awkward height of a high seat post. We strolled through the park, his muscles firm, becoming seasoned requiring more distance with every trip out so we do this time and time a week each taking the same circle 'round the border of the park until we cross that small bridge over muddy water flooding small creek with tawny clouds creeping. We turned down a new street, the asphalt clicking his nails grinding down with every step we ventured down looking at homes new to remember; new area to explore in a town I've seen nearly all of; an old man with blue overalls blue long sleeve work shirt blue house with blue gutters and blue windows held a bucket of paint in his right hand bent over and painted his home. A new layer being put down to show his favorite color: blue. Lucas not seeing what I see. Riding with one hand on the handle bars wanting desperately to stop the wheels and ask for a picture of this man's smile. He agreeing. Me thinking the whole time of posting it online for thumbs up. Disregarding the usage of an old man; suddenly with surprise being pulled from balance. Lucas, digging for a rabbit on a neighbors lawn. Me gripping the brake tight and preparing to bail ship. The old man still hunched over, oblivious.

The ride home swift. Me pushing. Faster when it needed to be. Slower when a small hill meant hard peddling. Lucas, fine with everything. Happy. Content that he got to move his legs. Wishing that it was raining to cool him down.

Remember, if you like what you see, share it with friends. I don't mind. Requires a mind to mind so I don't.

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