Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wish I was homeless

I wish I was homeless. I think about being homeless sometimes for the simple fact that it would get me up in the morning. If I were homeless I'd love to be awakened by the sun. It's just not something that will ever happen for me. As someone who has money I have the privilege of buying curtains. Curtains aren't a thing homeless people carry around in their stolen shopping cart. A sleeping bag and maybe a molding toothbrush that they found next to the urinal in a public restroom. If I were homeless, I'd totally have a shopping cart but fill it with nothing but toothbrushes. I'd make a sign and stand on the corner. Need money to buy more toothbrushes.

Let me clarify. I'm a 28 year old and the closest I have ever actually come to being homeless is every single time I go camping. Sleeping on the ground is never comfortable. I eat can food with plastic utensils I licked clean the time before. You shit shit in those camp toilets that warn against throwing trash into where you poop, but you're camping so YAHOOO so you do it anyways. I'm practically homeless and wiping my ass with a baby wipe. 

All I'm saying is that I'd be much more productive if I could get up as early as any homeless person. Me and mornings have never agreed. It's just a part of life that I won't ever be apart of. I'd really like to be one of those old men who go to bed at seven and wake before the sun rises. Only problem with this being that I'D BE THE ONLY PERSON AWAKE.

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