Friday, September 6, 2013

Last night

I went to bed early last night to be in bed with my girlfriend. She wanted to cuddle some before leaving town for a few days. I agreed and forced myself to fall asleep way before my normal bedtime. Why is this important you are beginning to ask yourself. It's important because whenever I sleep too much, as I had done the night before, and then force myself to fall asleep early again the following night, I have terrible dreams and wake up in terror sometimes.

So last night I woke up to a man standing in my room no more than three feet from my head. I opened my eyes and saw him standing there with straw for hair and very crooked teeth. His face was looking directly at me and I quickly shot my arm over to where my lamp was an flicked it on. Of course nothing was actually in my room but so help me Jesus I thought I was waking up to a scarecrow in my room.

This has made me think of a friend who used to live on the East Coast. He has told me that in the house he grew up in, he would often wake from sleep standing straight up and the foot of his own bed. This left me with a sick pit in my stomach envisioning him as a child with the sheets on his bed torn about from terrible feelings of paranoia and waking up slowly to the realization that you are not in your own bed, but standing at the foot of it. Sleep standing.
He also told me that the alarm clock radio next to his bed used to make screeching noises randomly in the middle of the night. He would wake to something screaming bloody murder and then have to act like everything in the room was cool and he was not freaked out at all. His dreams were nothing but freaky as well. At the moment I cannot recall a specific dream he told me about but they all involved his own death or someone in his family dying. Then he'd wake at the foot of his bed.


  1. Probably one of my worst fears is waking up to someone just STANDING in any part of my house. While I was living in seattle back in 2007, this ACTUALLY happened. I woke up to my chihuahua barking (yeah I know, they do that), but mine NEVER barked in the middle of the night, not for any reason. I opened the door to my bedroom to see that my balcony door was wide open. This had happened numerous times due to the fact that I lived in Post Alley which is notorious for its wind tunnels. No matter how many times you thought you latched the door shut, you didn't. I proceeded to walk to the kitchen in my underwear to grab a glass of water. As per routine when I wake up in the middle of the night my bladder was screaming. Down the hallway I go to unwillingly relieve myself, flick on the light...there is a 6ft tall brown man (and I say brown because I really couldn't decipher what ethnicity he happened to be) on drugs, standing in the corner of my hallway. This mother fucker had climbed 5 flights up a tiny little tree, onto my balcony, and inside my apartment to stand in the corner. He proceeded to tell me that someone followed him in there, that he was being chased. I was trying not to piss myself while screaming, "GET THE FUCK OUT." He promptly apologized and walked out the front door. I ran to get my phone to inform the police of what just happened, the dispatcher was rude...and I mean REALLY RUDE. Seeing as it was 3am so quickly jumped to asking, "Are you sure you weren't just dreaming?" Pissed, I hung up, they never found him. 3 days and a new lock set later, ANOTHER crazy mother fucker was found dangling in that same tree, only this time he was banging on the balcony door screaming "NINTENDO" and making really awful cat noises. I promptly peered through the blinds and called the police only to reach the same bitch who asked me if I was dreaming. She sighed and dispatched a couple cars. The officers pulled him out of the tree and took him to jail. I made the management office cut down the tree and moved my ass to another location. I still have that fear.

  2. Whenever I get drunk I usually wind up in a tree screaming Nintendo as well. Small world sometimes
