Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Stupid balding man pumps up car tire with handheld bike pump

I was out getting some things from Lowe's today and saw a man in the parking lot pumping up his car tire with a handheld bike pump. This dumb balding man seriously thought that pumping up a car tire with a handheld pump was the best use of his time. I walked past this Canadian genius and walked into the store. 30 minutes later I walk out and THIS MAN IS STILL PUMPING. His stupid face was red and sweat was dripping from his forehead. Still he kept pumping and checking the tire to see his progress. I was blown away at just how committed this man was to inflating his car tire when I could see a gas station not more than a block away. Probably the same type of guy that evaluates gasoline efficiency from every gas station in town and keeps a small chart of statistics in his sock drawer at home so when he goes to put on his shoes to drive to the gas station, he remembers his mathematical analysis of Shell on that one street having a .00987% better mile per gallon gasoline.

Other people in the parking lot were slowly walking by him also wondering just what on earth he was thinking. The best part about this story is that I have no idea how long he was pumping up the tire before I saw him, but it looked like he was just filling up the tire just a tad. You know, those types of people who need to top everything off. Like filling up their soda cup from the food court vending machine to the brim, taking a small sip and then FILLING UP THE AMOUNT THEY JUST SIPPED.

But who am I to judge these type of people and their usage of time. I spend way too much time on the Internet everyday. Mostly yelling at Yahoo news for having the same stories as Reddit, only many days later and missing all the good bits.

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