Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dream Sequence #2

In my dream,
I was in a classroom.
The room was quiet and the teacher in between thought.
I remember feeling like the idiots behind me were going to do something stupid and in the next moment, they had laser pointers out and pointing them on the teacher's head.
In my chair I grew infuriated at their childlike behavior.
The chair I was in began to quake and tremble and I remember seeing the little red dot on her face click off.
Looking behind me the two idiots were suspended in space.
The type of space that is void of noise and black.
I felt something growing within me and looked down to my arm as pulses of rock began to push from under my skin.
Quickly it became a mountain shaped arm with rivers of water cascading down the valleys of rocky muscle and dripped onto the carpet of the classroom.
Each valley was dark one one side and light on the opposite side from the direction of sun.
Some valleys had intense amounts of fog rolling low in the valley above the snaking streams of water and I could feel the cool air tickling the loam of my arm.
My heart slowly transformed from a beating instrument to a terrible sound of crunching earth.
My vision quickly snapped to the image of a whirlpool in my chest but made of enormous boulders all churning in a circular pattern until the mouth of the vortex was loud and sucking up the land on my chest surrounding it.
The land instantly replenished itself.
Saplings began to sprout up along the ridge line of my shoulders in succession until I could feel their roots deep within the infrastructure of my collar bones.
The idiots still suspended in space.
My face began to bubble and I remember the feeling of not being able to open my jaw but that intense pressure was building.
Next thing I remember, I was sitting in a car with my parents driving down the road.
Out my window, I could see young men on mountain bikes doing tricks on enormous dirt jumps.
Flash to me as one of the bikers and the sound of air rushing through my full-face helmet as I am doing a back flip.
The fluid movement of riding the bike felt natural and I remember thinking about how easy it was for me to describe the sensation of doing big tricks.
Back in the car, I am pulling at my tongue.
The sensation of gum stuck in the back of my throat was thick and I began to pull.
I could feel the gum stretch but as I continued to pull, I remember thinking that it would never end and that I could never get all the gum unstuck from the back of my throat.
The end

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