Friday, September 20, 2013

Dream sequence #3 Juggling halves of chicken. A close talker. Ninja in a tree.

In my dream,
I was in an older home that was falling apart.
The door overlooking a river was non existent and the river itself was low but still flowing.
I remember a heightened sense of urgency and panic as I had guests coming over.
The guests arrived at this house via the backdoor but did not arrive as normal people do.
They all stuck their heads around the corner of the door jam as if they were floating perpendicular to the floor outside.
They came in and sat down at a very rickety table that my father and I were now sitting at.
I became an entertainer and juggled halves of roasted chicken and asked if my guests needed anything to drink.
They refused.
Next thing I know, one of these guests points out the backdoor and comments on how fast the wind is howling by.
I look out the door and rain is blowing both sideways and vertical at the same time.
I go over to the door to look out and the river is insane.
It's flowing fast and trapping logs and spitting enormous plumes of water from said trapped logs.
Next thing, the house is packed with people and outside on the deck becomes a weird tide pool of water from the river that is incredibly dark and looks like the innards of a cave.
A friend of mine who used to wait tables with me in real life is there and she is carrying chunks of ice on her server's tray while swimming in this tide pool.
She was frantic and knew her ice was melting.
She gets up from the pool and says to me to watch out for the small children swimming at the edge of the fast flowing river.
I went back in time in my own dream and had the thought of getting swept away in the river and never being seen again.
The thought gave me chills and I was back in the time she was telling me about the kids.
I weaved my way back through the house and around to the back to play lifeguard.
I remember this girl whom I just met in real life a few days ago at a wedding that lives in a different state was there.
She was extremely close to my face and talking about something but I could not hear or understand her as my duties were to watch over the children.

Now I have a completely separate dream from that first one.
In it, I am following a ninja and he jumps from a window of a barn onto a tree.
He begins to rapidly descend this tree with only placing his feet on opposite sides of the trunk and using them as stopping force as he slides down the trunk like a fireman on his pole.
Halfway down the tree he senses danger and quickly flips to the opposite side of the tree as a throwing knife hits the spot he was just at.
He gets very angry and begins to mumble.
Through the tree leaves he can see the person who just threw the knife at him running away so he flips around to the other side again and slides faster.
He stops at a spot and a blur of him throwing knives ensues and I can't remember how many he threw in one fluid motion.
He yells something at the top of his lungs and takes a few deep breaths as throwing the knives winded him.
My view focuses on a few leaves that fall from being chopped off their limb and then a duck falls from the tree.
Next thing he is down off the tree and sprinting towards this person.
He has his arms forward and is not running like a sprinter, but that of a sprinting person crouched and out of the view of his prey.
He gets to a spot in the taller grass next to this building and I remember gaining his line of sight and seeing the grass masquerade his hiding spot while this other person doubles back to get a view of where his target went.
At this point the ninja leaps from the grass and the other person becomes a young girl.
He tackles her to the ground and now the scenery flashes to the inside of the building we were outside of.
He frantically rips at her clothing until she is naked.
He pulls out his penis and begins slapping her with it.
The end

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