Monday, September 16, 2013

Dream Sequence #1

In my dream,
I was walking beneath pulsating air sacs of black dripping filth. 
Each sac a spitting air bubble protruding from the skin below it.
In between the breathing sacs was a ribbed surface that held liquid beneath its surface. 
I could see as I began walking down the artery that the fluid above me was sloshing against the surface from the opposite side of the sacs like water sloshing on the glass of an exhibit at the zoo.
The artery began to tunnel deeper and the sloshing noise began to intensify until the din was unbearable.
As I followed along, my hands on the pulsating sacs now ribbed along the wall, I felt pockets of stench between the groupings of sacs.
The ability to feel a smell was like nothing I had ever experienced before and I remember trying to note exactly how the sensation felt as to remember it later for putting in my blog.
I pushed my hand through one of these openings and felt a sudden force push from behind me and I emerged out and into a painting of some ponds. 
Each pond was a black mire of rotting water in a landscape of fog and barren trees.
I remember noticing the heavy fog and feeling a slow suffocating feeling. 
The land began to morph around on itself and the next thing I saw was a major city upside down and trash falling from roads. 
People were walking along and I could sense that life was normal for them in this upside down world.
I was separate from the world and floating along in a thick watery world gasping for breath. 
Trash was beginning to swirl in the currents around me and I began to churn and bob in the ocean. The ocean inverted to the land so orienting in the reversal of both worlds became next to impossible. I began to swim and felt a great warmth circling my legs. 
I looked down to see plastic strips of rope swirling around my calves like a serpent and restricting tighter and tighter. 
I had a moment of brilliance and thought that it would be easiest to just ditch the legs and when I got home from all of this I would buy a new pair. 
The thought of home must of sparked my dreamworld to teleport me back to a green lawn of grass. The light was fading and the street lights flickering on. 
I noticed that the lights would flick on and off and as I floated towards one to inspect it, it burst and spit fire in all directions like a giant flower of heat. 
I was then lying on my back looking up at the stars and listening to a banjo. 
The end.

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