Saturday, July 12, 2014

Please excuse my ignorance

I really don't understand the need for complex passwords online. I'm thinking about a specific website that makes me update my password every so often and it cannot be similar to a previous code and needs to contain two numbers and one symbol from the approved list and that symbol must come after the fourth letter but not following or proceeding a number. Okay so I made some of that up but I cannot be the only person frustrated with all the different password requirements.

If the point of a password is to protect me from people guessing my account, what's the deal with requiring such a specific password that I myself cannot remember unless I write it down? Am I crazy or isn't it all USELESS if you are the target of a keylogger (who will find out your password no matter how complex or simple you make it by tricking you into secretly downloading a program that allows them to see everything you type).

I may not fully understand how easy it is for someone to guess my password, but if I'm to protect my accounts from a random person using the computer after me, or even in my immediate area and close enough to spy on my fingers whilst I type in are they capable of guessing my secret code? The possibilities are endless.

What I am getting at is that you aren't safe no matter how complex the password is. So if someone wants to "hack" your Facebook account, they're probably smart enough to do it and there isn't shit you can really do about it. So why do websites make you go through all these hoops (that ultimately drive me insane) to make me feel "secure" in the complexity of a password?

Just let me choose something I can remember and if I choose to involve numbers and symbols, let that be my choice and not a demand!

I also want to point out that the original designer of the password strength indicator that sometimes follows the input of a password to tell you how shitty your password is, is a DICK. I get the point. It's there to show you how little you tried. You can do better! But what if I don't want to? I guess I can always ignore it. But I live in America and god damn if I don't get offended at the brutal honesty of a single word like "weak".

I'm inviting you to educate me.

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