Monday, July 7, 2014

Did you miss me?

I'm back from a writing hiatus. Insert a terribly trite metaphor of explosions and flames to welcome me back, only slightly modified and supercharged with a gurggle of lasting unburnt fuel in the exhaust system of a new Corvette Stingray (because DEAR HIGHER POWER that car is excellent looking). 

I have new ideas and several directions to test out. If you know anything about me though, you might know that my commitment level to creative idea is about as lasting as seasonal allergies. I sneeze out ideas and keep sneezing until there is a waste bin (thank you brother) containing all the wonderful words that came to me. Then I let them sit and stew. The warm runoff bleeding through the fibers of individual pieces and adhering to one another, through the bonds only clear snot can achieve, like layers of an abstract art piece I think about making but don't. This process is important to me because it's during this stage that I romanticize my crusty tissues, only to abandon them once the season of headaches and itchy nose has passed. Ahhhh....Summer!

So over the past two months I have traveled. 
I pulled off many memorable Hemmingways (my newest favorite way to drink wine and nap in the sun). 
I visited San Diego and saw some fish and managed to calculate out some dance moves at my childhood best friend's wedding. 
I've thought about what I want to be and how I want to live.
I failed at coming to any conclusion(s) on the above mentioned topics.
I watched a very good friend of mine graduate from a Nursing program, which my girlfriend will be starting in the Fall, and began composing a speech for her day of graduation (that she is very excited to read).
Lucas and I went on a few hikes and runs.
I thought of the perfect way to commit suicide. Don't worry, it was just my scumbag mind toying with me. I know I'm not the only one that this happens to.
I watched all of Wilfred and enjoyed nearly every second of it (minus that awkward bit when the dog and Ryan make out).
I've been inspired by the people in my life.
I came to the conclusion that I hate writing for others but must do so to earn money.
I fell more in love with my girlfriend by exposing both of our weaknesses and putting in work.

To welcome me back I've hired Eminem to do up a song of his. 

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