Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dream Sequence #13

It's been awhile since I've had a dream fluid enough to make it to the blog. Well today I have two!!

In my dream,
I was poolside.
The atmosphere was negative as I think my wife in this dream (whom I have no idea actually is) and her friends were talking about the world ending or something along those depressing lines.
I had two little girls with this woman and one was around seven years old and the other was under two.
The seven year old is splashing and playing in the pool by herself.
The under two year old (I say it like this because I am terrible at guessing someone's age) wanted to swim.
I took her with me to the edge of the pool, without any arm floaties on and jumped in before her.
I wanted to see how she would do without the the arm floaties (in that way a parent tests their child to see if maybe she is the next Michael Phelps, so that way if she did end up being the next greatest swimmer, you could say in a ESPN interview that you knew at an early age she would do great things because of this exact moment.
Of course you would leave out the bit about being irresponsible with her young life.
Anyways, she jumped from the side and into my arms and the feeling was wonderful.
Here was my baby girl enjoying the water much like I did when I was her age.
In my head I was living through her and thinking back to my mother and father doing the same for me in real life.
So I let her slide down my legs and swim beneath the surface.
At first she startled me, with her movements, along with the sudden voice in my head saying she was drowning.
She didn't swim though.
Her arms stayed by her side and she sank to the floor of the pool and she stood motionless.
Now as a kid I would do this exact same thing in the pool at Miramar Air Base.
I can remember taking a deep breath and diving to the bottom where I would sit for as long as possible; most of the time I would tell myself a story or simply listen to the water; sometimes even scream or make "beat-boxing" noises to hear myself without anyone else being able to hear me.
So my daughter was motionless and her eyes open.
In my mind I knew nothing was wrong because I watched her look around the pool at the legs of people around her.
I thought to myself that she is exactly like me and just wants to observe others from a new perspective, one where they don't know you're watching them (or in better of them. Not in a perverted way either!)
The one thing I remember most from this dream is that ominous feeling combining with the negative feeling from the conversations taking place, and making the pool water at the deep end turn a very dark color that I can only explain as being the "deep ocean."
I was under water with my daughter watching this all and feeling so impressed by her, and so very proud at the same time.

I was with my wife (a separate and still unknown figure) in the doorway of our house.
She was upset about something and I wrapped my arms around her and told her that I loved her very much.
We sat in the doorway and I expressed to her how much I loved her, and within the dream I felt a very deep kind of love.
Something I have never felt before.
I told her that her and the two boys we had together meant more to me than anything else ever.
The house we were in was ours I told her and that after the renovations were complete downstairs (there was an actual contractor down there working at the time too) that we could focus on putting money into the windows.
Eventually, I told her, we would see what other things the home needed to make it ours.
A legacy.
She agreed and we picked ourselves up off the floor and made our way to the front porch.
As we were walking to the door I told her that our eldest boy was turning eleven and our youngest was nearly six, so we should spend more time going on vacation and trips with them.
She agreed and thought it was a good idea to expose the boys to new adventures.
We opened the door and the dream switched gears (this will be a pun....just wait) and my real life girlfriend was standing beside me saying, "go ahead and make the noise. I know you're going to."
She was referring to the parade of classic cars driving along the street right out in front of the house.
I made the noise I make in real life when I see a car I like and my girlfriend was satisfied.
I was too as I watched old Beetles and other classic cars roll by.
Each with something odd about it.
Like the Super Beetle that had large fiberglass fenders up front and back which left enough room for me to see that it was lowered, of all things, by Gatorade bottles acting as air bags.
I could see the water being used instead of air and it made me chuckle.
She asked me what was funny and I told her that she wouldn't understand and that it would take too long to explain and that I would miss the other cars.
She said, "whatever."

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