Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dream Sequence #10

In my dream,
I was in a tent with some other people.
I do not remember how I arrived inside this tent but there I was (I think I might have been four wheeling or something).
The tent was one of those military green tents, the kind with two flaps on either end, and supported by two bars immediately noticed, in the direct middle, once the tent flap is pulled back.
Now that I think about it, it might have just been me in this tent and made up having people there.
I remember feeling a sense of panic as the idea of a bear outside the door came in to my head.
I opened the flap to see an enormous grizzly bear about 15 feet from the open tent flap.
I was afraid that it was coming to eat me, but afraid in such a way that I knew it wasn't real.
It felt like one of those moments where you know that nothing bad will ever happen to you but always someone else.
Next thing I know, I am in a different location.
There is a house and part of that house is a covering (picture what you might find at a local public park where there are benches below the structure and usually a bbq pit somewhere close by) jutting off of one side.
I feel like this was a camp I'd stayed at before as a scout but not literally that exact camp.
I remember someone panicking and mentioning a tiger loose somewhere on the premises.
Instantly I knew what I needed to do to keep people safe.
I would take the pool ball (the billiards kind...not the water kind) and bash the tiger over the head.
I remember planning the attack in my head and as I moved towards the area where I knew the tiger would be, looking down at stripped ball (I'm almost never solids) in hand and thinking that it could not possible go well for me.
I remember moving to hit the tiger on the head but having it overpower me with its strength.
I desperately tried to climb onto the roof of the building and can still visualize my grasp on the gutter and how it failed when I tried pulling up on it.
The tiger is below me and my vision jumps to that of a small cat flailing its arms at a piece of string.
Except that this is a tiger and I am that string.
The tiger morphs into me and what happens from there is a little difficult to describe.
I become the tiger but my body that's still trying to scramble onto the roof is also me.
As the tiger, I am describing to an audience what meat tastes best from a human.
I start explaining the less tender bits (the calves, followed by biceps) and conclude the anatomy lesson with the tasty bit—the buttocks.
I make certain to emphasize that this is the area that tastes the best.
What happens after that is really bizarre to me still.
So the me that's hanging from the rafter is all torn open like you might imagine a cadaver would look.
There isn't any blood, and all the veins are perfectly intact and the muscles are where they should be, but there isn't any skin.
My legs are spread wide open and I remember feeling both the tiger and victim at the same time, as the tiger talks about how the subject had three testicles.
As the person, I remember feeling alienated that my three testicles were on display, but looking at them without any skin on them, and my legs spread far apart, was unique.
I wasn't distressed or in any pain.
It felt like how I would imagine someone in trauma might feel; overrun with endorphins and able to step back from everything and feeling almost blissful.
The end.

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