Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lentil soup smells the same coming out

I might be alone on this one but what the heck. Has anyone ever noticed that lentil soup smells the same coming out as it does going in? I realize that most people don't eat lentil soup (as it's always on sale at the grocery store I go to) or possibly don't even know what lentils are. The best way for me to describe lentil soup, if you don't already know what it is, is to name another delicious soup that turns most people off: I'm talking about split pea soup of course. I love it. Give me baby shit green split pea soup with small chunks of ham any day. I don't care that you think it's disgusting. MORE FOR ME!

Mmmmm split pea soup.


I want you to eat lentil soup (more specifically the Progresso can kind) and report back to me if your next bowel movement smells pretty close to how the pot smelled cooking on the stove.

Your avid split pea and lentil soup consumer

My lentil soup eating posse. Share this with your friends and let's get the word out there about the joys of these exotic soups!

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