Tuesday, October 29, 2013

In my small town, chain stores are depressing

It occurred to me today, that the root of my contempt for some of the large chain stores in my town comes from having to look at unattractive people.
Now before you get all rage on me, let me explain.
Whenever I visit stores like Kmart or Target, I am in and out as quickly as possible.
This is because the moment I am dunked under the water of these depression tanks (like one of those pitching-dunk-tank type games) I have only a certain amount of time I can hold my breath.
It's the people.
The people are ugly in that special kind of way.
Some imperfection in their physical appearance that ultimately lead them to try less in life (you know, from all the emotional scarring of people putting them in "their place") and end up as a cashier or jewelry clerk for some large chain of stores for which they could honestly care less about.
The ugly part is that they smell of giving up and bitterness for the world that shaped them.
I can't blame them though (just merely pointing out what I've gathered).
God they make me feel terrible inside.
I never thought that the physical appearance of another individual could cause such obtrusive internal feelings of anxiety and depression.
I don't want to feel depressed.
I mean, who actively seeks out such horrors?
I sure as hell don't.
I people watch at the mall but this is different.
When the void of life is ubiquitous among every "team member" that all avoid all eye contact because the job requires they be over friendly and courteous to clientele who are the type of people that knock crap off the shelf  because it got in the way of reaching for their bag of puffed cheese balls and walk away feeling okay with themselves, it differs from people watching.
I realize now that by walking through those automatic doors, I become an active participant.
In that torturous death ball, I have to interact with the slumps who are internally raging over cleaning up vomit from one of the changing rooms.
I don't blame them!
But this doesn't make my experience any better because I can't offer them any words to make them laugh.
I'd just be that person who makes a "seemingly funny comment" that the team member laughs at out of sheer impulse and later begins to resent me for making them feel something in an environment that sucks.
It just freaking sucks.
I waited tables for awhile so I know what it's like to fake laugh at someone's joke when you really don't want to.
HA HA, yeah you are right. I am less attractive than you when you've had four glasses of wine.
That's all I really want to do though.
Tell them how much of a joke it is to be working in an environment where even the simple procedure of paying with my debit card is complicated.
I had to swipe my card at exactly the time the cashier needed.
Not before she was done swiping all the items across the scanner.
Not after she was done but before she had to ask me if I was donating to blah blah blah foundation.
Certainly not before she clicked the button on her screen indicating I was paying by debit card.
I had to re swipe my card too many times is what I am getting at.
Grrrr, I was annoyed!
How petty of a thing to be annoyed over.

I could be like my girlfriend though.
The type of person that misses out on all the negativity I just seem to hone in on.
She loves it when I point out crap she was oblivious to.
In the end she always thanks me with that backwards way of telling someone they failed at keeping their thoughts to themselves.

I feel as though I got off topic but still maintained some of the core reasons for posting this in the first place.
I also realize that I may have made you more rage but whatever.
Don't be so rage on me.
I also feel that I did not cap off each thought in a nice little bundle and recognize that some need major overhauls but I am not willing to go back through and correct it.

As always, if my words brought you even the smallest tinge of excitimatation (ex-cite-eh-ma-tation), share it with friends and look through some of my other postings.

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