Monday, September 30, 2013

Dream sequence #4

In my dream,
I can see my sleeping body as I float above it.
There is an unusual sensation that I can feel but also hear.
It sounds extremely loud without making any noise whatsoever and feels like how I picture a black hole might feel.
If I focus on it, the noise becomes louder while the feeling goes away but it also works in the exact opposite way so that one variable always changes the other so that it never goes away.
This intense sensation is at first very warm and almost feels like I am floating in warm water but quickly turns to a more chilling sensation.
My skin feels different and the atmosphere becomes dark.
All of the sudden I am sucked out into space and can see the reflection of my own comet's tail.
The space around me is a blur and I can sense that I am traveling at incredible speeds towards the uncomfortable feeling of deep space.
I become empty feeling as if the emotions of despair and love had never been a thing I knew.
Time can be altered when I think about it but I have to focus on the white blurs as they whip past me to remember to slow down.
My eyes close and I can imagine watching the lines on the freeway as my family traveled from one end of the country to the other when my father got new orders.
The memory of fishing in Yellowstone at a lake that had no fish in it comes to mind and I can smell the wind and then become a spectator to the singing along to "There's a Hole in my Bucket" in the van on the way back to the tent.
In an instant I am on a planet that is like no other planet.
It's as if I had traveled so many miles into deep space that the planet I am on abides by no rules like we have on Earth.
The best way to describe how I am on this planet viewing what is taking place is that I am vapor.
It's a planet with life but not of anything organic like humans or animals.
Everything is made of rock and gravity seems to be in between Earth's gravity and none at all.
Rocks are gathered in formations that float past the screen I am able to view.
They pulsate and snap and pop in every which direction.
Little pieces of black rock that look like slivers violently explode when these pulsations occur.
In the foreground I can see shapes moving across the tundra of red earth.
I can't exactly describe what they were but they look like Velociraptors but on a miniature scale and made of metallic rock.
They are playing with one another and I can see that something is being tossed between two of them while the others look on.
Where I imagine their chest would be, I can see Mercury sloshing about in a fish bowl like device.
The silver of the Mercury flashes and reflects back into my eyes but I look behind me and this only a distant and not very bright sun.
I look closer at the sun and it looks more like the sun for a different planet that is orbiting rather close to the one I am on.
As this other planet passes between the sun, the tundra rapidly grows dark as the other planet blocks out the sun and casts shadows that engulf the planet I am still on.
I look up and can see mountains and volcanoes on the other planet it's so close.
The end

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