Sunday, September 7, 2014

When you hear a siren, say nothing

If this is you when hearing a police/medic siren: "I have to run, they're coming for me"  or even worse, "You better run, the cops are after you" there are some things I want you to know.

You're not creative. It's not funny. KNOCK IT OFF!

Those around you only acknowledge the words for the same reason trophies are given to young children in sports—so they feel better about themselves for putting on a uniform and being "on a team." Many Americans are too polite to tell you to shut that mouth of yours in person. Me included. So I will do it here. Shhhhhhh. Just don't say it. Let the sirens go by without a word and maybe I'll buy you pizza afterwards.

The only team you're on is the team I wish we could strap megaphones too so that you're stupid voice blasts in your own ear for a year straight. Say it one more time and it will be two years.

LOL. That is all

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