Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I thought it would be fun to find a random word and use it in a paragraph. This way my vocabulary expands AND I have a reason to write. Not that I don't have plenty of content to write about, it's just that I am reeling back on the personal stuff.

So the word here is "tailorwise" and yes I use it immediately. Fight me about it I don't care.

The lone figure sits tailorwise; his right leg interlocked and woven tightly with the left. The crew demands blood and throw garbage at him. Call me what you want, but blind to liers I am not. With his back towards them, he is comfortable waiting out the riot. You're doing a terrible job at walking the plank, one of his shipmates yells. I ainght apologizing nor going swimming with the sharks so hoot and holler all ye want but I'm sitting right here, he replies.

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