Saturday, March 15, 2014


This morning I woke from a dream.
Wait, I should provide back story first.
Yesterday my mother made the decision to finally put our 19 year old cat to rest.
It was not just her decision, but being that she is the only one in the house with this cat, it rested upon her shoulders to end her suffering.

The permanent kind that saves her from the pain of constantly throwing up her food, undoubtedly from a stomach that stopped working.
Her bones.
Oh man, her bones!
When you would go to pet her, you had to be gentle as she had no fat on her body whatsoever.
The bones were what you would feel under a loose pelt that slid along the curves of her back.
It reminded me of moving a small area rug over antique wood flooring.

Anyways, so this morning I wake from a dream and in the dream this cat has meowed.
She meowed a very loud meow and I remember telling her, "Momma! What a meow that was! I haven't heard you meow like that in quite some time."
It was as if she was saying a goodbye.
I thought about this on the truck today while I was en route, and decided to write it down instead of keeping it to myself.
I guess a certain part of me wants to remember her, even though I am not that type of person to ever forget.
It's more like me acknowledging her in the dream and saying that I can't let myself forget.
A reminder I suppose that one day, some time down the road, I will have a moment where bringing her up in conversation will feel right.

The video attached is one my brother took Christmas day 2013.
We knew she wouldn't make it for much longer so he filmed her in stunning HD.

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