Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dream Sequence #14 Peeing A Yellow Comet Into A Bathtub

This is a three-part dream I had the other night that stayed with me.

Act One:
I was floating down a river somewhere in South America with a group of girls I had crushes on at one point or another in high school. 
I don't remember a whole lot from this part of the dream.
We were without canoes or boats and just floating in the pull of the river.
We reached a sand bar that hooked around to the left and some locals were out in the river with their children.
I was underneath the water at the time and facing the opposite way of the river's flow (so I could watch the sand pass beneath me backwards), when one of the men from the tribe began to yell. 
He did not want us running into his child who also was playing in the river. 
I remember the child wearing a diaper, which I thought was weird for such an indigenous looking man to have Pampers on hand.
It was at this point a paddle -one single paddle- appeared in my right hand. 
I did not use it to steer, as we still had no boats, but had to bring it close to my side as we passed as to not whack the child with it.

Act Two:

I was with my brother in a town that I am not familiar with. 
He had just purchased a vehicle at a small dealership and we were driving away in it, just the two of us, when he noticed something about it he did not like. 
The dealership took it back and let him search the inventory for another one of his liking. 
He finds the exact car he drives now in real life and we head out again. 
Now we are looking for a building that he needs to clean.
I should say that as a small part-time job to pay off debt, my brother has a cleaning job in real life.
Okay so we are driving and come to a very large body of water.
The road slopes down and out onto that water in a way that I don't know how to describe, other than to go all R.R.Martin on you, so I won't.
What you need to know is that there isn't a barricade to stop us from driving off. 
So my brother drives off. 
It was a graceful impact.
We are sinking and I tell him we have to wait for the water to rise above the windows before trying to open the doors. 
So we wait.
The music is still playing.
I remember how little panic there was between the both of us.
So the car is completely under the water now and I get out before he does and am swimming up to the surface.
He is still close to the car for some reason, that at this point is sinking incredibly fast into the dark water below. 
I remember swimming back down until I saw him, and the two of us swam to the surface.
I did not think I had enough air in my lungs to make it, but for a reason I do not understand, I would release oxygen and become entranced in the rising shape of it all. 
I reach the surface and that first draw of air in my lungs feels orgasmic.
(It's no wonder I wake up so often with the blankets on the floor next to my bed, when I have dreams like this every night).
I look over at my brother who has just surfaced and tell him that it looks like he will have to pick out a third car. 
He laughs.

Act Three:
Next thing I know I am in the bathroom somewhere. 
I have no idea how to describe the location so I will just focus on the man in the bathroom pulling on the dicks of men urinating. 
Now I have no clue why he is doing this, but it appeared to be a game. 
He would stealth up to someone peeing and try to grab their junk.
He did it to me and I pulled back and kicked him into the little divider between urinals.
He looked at me with a confused face. 
I told him to knock it off, and he turned and began to stalk someone else. 
What was noteworthy about the bathroom scene, other than the odd man, was just how much I had to pee. 
I pee'd so much that the urinal turned into a bathtub in which I was peeing over the side into the basin.
I remember looking down at my pee as it changed from white, to yellow, to a pearlescent orange, and back to yellow. 
One more thing about the pee scene and I will drop it. 
When I was peeing into the tub, the colors of my stream produced an abstract comet of color and I remember thinking to myself that I needed to remember how it looked so that I could paint it later on.
Next thing I am outside the bathroom and it feels like I am inside a mall, but also inside a high school. 
People are walking by and I pay them no attention until I see a real life friend who lives near Seattle.
I tell her, "Hey Christina, I have a story to tell you. Don't let me forget."
She looks at me and says, "mhmm" but in such a way that she is clearly blowing me off. 
A random girl who happened to catch all of this calls Christina on her blowing me off, and the two disappear behind a door.

My mom is there now and is stressed out. 
She is spitting entire paragraphs out at once. 
No need for sentences, or even separate words. 
She hands me a pair of sunglasses and tells me I need to try them on to replace the pair I just lost in the car with my brother. 
She tells me that it will take weeks for a new pair to come in, so I tell her that I am the one who was in the sinking car, not her.
She needed to calm down.

There is more to the dream but I am done writing now. Like my dear friend Forest, "I just want to go home now."

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