Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dream sequence #12

In my dream,
I was in a car with my mom and we were pulling up to an unfamiliar house.
I think the house was hers because as we were pulling up, she pointed out an animal pen under the Oak tree at the end of the driveway.
I remember being confused and a little frightened at the sight of a baby elephant that was in the pen.
My mom goes on to explain to me that the elephant is no ordinary elephant.
This one is unique in that it was breed to have longer tusks for fighting.
As she was explaining this to me I had a terrible feeling of pure evil hijack my brain and all the noise disappeared from the world.
Everything became soft and dark.
The whole time this was happening, that little elephant in its pen under the Oak tree was motionless and looking directly at me through the windshield of the car.
Then we were pulling up to the garage of the house, and the elephant was gone.
Now along side the driver's side was a new pen with a wolf in it.
The wolf had its fur shaved down so it looked rough, but also sleek and full of muscle.
I think my mother cropped the wolf's ears because they were too sharp of an angle to be natural.
At this time the car is in front of the garage and the side window behind my mother in the car is rolled down enough for the wolf to reach over its pen and climb into the car.
I was terrified at the intense feeling this manic looking wolf gave me but my mom assured me it was a safe creature to be around.
Next thing I know, my real life dog Lucas is running around the pen where the elephant is and I freak out.
I start telling my mom that this is the worst situation to put my dog in, with the wolf being around and all.
She tries to tell me everything will be okay but I am not listening as I know what Lucas will do once he sees the wolf.
So I take this hunk of muscle and gnarly teeth around the corner of the house, while Lucas is distracted by the elephant, by its collar and try to force him into a tin shed.
It doesn't work because in real life Lucas always follows me where ever I go when we go for hikes.
So he is sprinting along side the house and I can hear him coming, full of excitement to see me.
To his surprise though I have this wolf that I am now trying to kick into the shed.
The two look at one another and my heart begins to pound in my chest.
It's on.
The wolf tears down the door of this shed and the two begin to fight.
I'm freaking out because Lucas doesn't take shit from any dog but I know this is a losing battle for  him.
I separate the two somehow and then we end up in a second shed with the wolf outside.
He busts in, still hunting Lucas, and as the wolf goes to attack my dog, I pull Lucas close to me and spin the both of us around right as the wolf lunges. 
I don't know what to do and Lucas is growling and trying to break free from my arms to fight on his own.
He's crying his dog cry and I don't know why but I take him by the muzzle and bite down on the soft flesh of his nose.
He yelps and the next thing I know we are outside the shed and I have a shovel in my hand.
The wolf has Lucas pinned on the grass and has ripped his throat out.
I can see my dog on the soft green grass, breathing heavy, with open flaps of skin sucking in and out with each panicked breath.
He is motionless except for the breathing.
His eyes are closed and his tongue hanging from the corner of his broken jaw.
The sight was similar to a video I once saw of a man who had his side ripped open by an explosion.
He was brain dead but his breathing kept going for a few seconds on its own.
So I take the shovel and begin to beat the wolf with it.
First I go for its hind legs and I remember pinning the wolf to the ground and bending one of the legs with my hands until it snapped.
He cries out, and right as he goes to get up, I swing the shovel down and end his life.
I wake up and notice that I am breathing heavy, oddly enough, in the same way I see Lucas doing when he dreams.
He is next to me in bed and it's four something in the morning.
I pet him for a few minutes and text my girlfriend who is already at work about the dream I just had.
The end.

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