Thursday, December 5, 2013

Why owning a dog sucks part II

So if you've read some of my other postings, you might have noticed that I've talked about my dog a few times (I swear I have a life outside being a dog just consists of writing blogs and reading books). Tonight is no different. Well it is different because he did something different. Terribly different.

It goes like this. I emptied an old milk container of spoiled milk into the compost pile in my back yard. This compost is a mixture of all the usual fixings a compost pile might have, plus dog turds. So I dump the milk out and that's that.

Flash forward about two hours and I let my dog outside. He finds it and enjoys himself to not just the milk, but the dead grass AND THE DIRT. I went over to inspect the pile to see if maybe he just kicked the dirt out of the way. He didn't. He ate the damn dirt. I would have also included a picture of the dirt in his teeth but he came in licking his lips and drank some water from his bowl.

I caught him in the act and told him with loud words that if he threw up in my room in the middle of the night, he is staying outside in the 20° weather. I don't give a damn.


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