Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dream Sequence #11

This dream happened a number of days ago and I've not had the time to write it out. So here goes!

In my dream,
I was in a convenience store.
I cannot recall the circumstances nor the scenery of this part now as I've let too much time pass but I do remember what happens at the store.
Some police officers come in and start shouting.
I don't exactly remember why, but I became the focus of their shouting.
One of them pushed me to the ground and as I lay on my back, he hovered the barrel of his shotgun over my chest.
In defiance I told him to suck it.
He didn't care for my words and so he pulled the trigger. Three times.
I remember the feeling of my chest absorbing the rounds and next thing I know, I'm on a steel table in the hospital.
I was dead.
This of course is not the end of the scene so naturally the dream goes on and I am inside my body.
I have the knowledge of what happened in the convenient store and also the awareness that I cannot move my body.
I can still recall the sensation of the back of my tongue and this was the first indication that I was alive on this table.
I say it like I was solving a puzzle because in the dream I had to figure out how I arrived in the room I was in with all the medical staff around me.
I could hear them talking.
I figured out that my eyes still worked but I could not blink.
A good friend of mine, that I know in real life, was a nurse in the hospital room.
After I gained control of my eyes, I made it a goal to fixate on different parts of the wall behind where he was standing.
I thought this would show him that since me eyes were looking in different locations every time he looked at me and then looked away, he would understand that I was still alive.
The doctor was the first one to notice the eye movements though and I remember him speaking out to me about moving them.
I couldn't do it though.
Next thing I know, I am beginning to pick my self up from the table.
I am now belly down and trying to do a pushup but my legs won't move.
I remember getting most of the way up as warm liquid poured from my open mouth.
I don't think it was blood, but the sensation of the thickness passing over my lips and drooling down onto the table is something that really stuck out to me in the dream.
Nothing special happened from this point on and my dream morphed into a completely unrelated topic so...
The end.

The dream parallels another dream I had of the same friend. He was with me in a convenience store and a mugger came in wielding a shotgun. This friend wrestled the gun from the mugger. I can't recall now which one of us got shot in that one, but one of us did. I thought he was a hero in my dream. I told him about it in real life and he chuckled.

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