Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dream Sequence #9

In my dream,
I was in a room with an old friend from high school.
I was asleep in this bed dreaming up a dream. (So it was me in real life, having a dream about me as a younger person, having a dream about something abstract, and then reflecting on it as the me in real life now as a much older person).
Confusing to follow I know but an important element of what makes my dreams feel so real to me.
Anyways, I was lying on my bed and listening to this friend speak about a trip he recently took.
He went on to describe how he was in Alaska and would point off in the distance to a slope and explain that he would pick a spot on the hill of snow and slide as far as he could.
It was more scientific than joyful when he spoke about it.
His tone was very matter-of-fact.
This part is difficult to describe as none of it makes sense in the real world.
He would point to the hill and I could see a line drawn in the snow.
Below that line there was a pool of water and he would describe trying to slide down the hill as fast as possible to get as far down into the pool of water as he could.
He was a seal when he slide down the hill.
The pool of water was sliced in half and I could see the top of the pool and the clear water below it while he slide down under it.
They way it was sliced reminds me of how the diagram of a car motor would be cut in half to show the inside mechanics to illustrate what happens when the car is on.
Or maybe a better example is one of those brain molds cut down the middle to show the two hemispheres and where the different parts of the brain are located.
Does that make sense? I hope it does.
Back in the room he crawled under the covers that I was under now and placed his head on the pillow next to me.
I remember feeling really weird that he had done that.
It was because in real life he was more like a friend of a friend.
The next thing I know, I am alone and looking at my teeth.
My front two teeth had chips in them and one had such a large chip, that red flesh material hung from my gums and maintained the shape of the tooth.
It was as if the fleshy innards were really inside the tooth the whole time and now that the tooth was chipped, the fleshy bit was hanging unprotected.
I remember brushing my tongue over it and feeling a weird sensation that reminds me of when you lost a tooth as a child and exploring the new gap of warm fleshy gum.
My mouth tasted like pennies.
I was paranoid that no one would like me because of these enormous chips in my teeth and in the dream I remember thinking that I was an adult reflecting back on my time as a child.
Basically the tooth experience was me (in real life) thinking about how my tooth really is chipped and day dreaming about what it would be like if it was more chipped, but of course I was asleep (in real life).
This is a common element in my dreams.
A dream within a dream.
Next thing I know I am walking down the street with another friend of mine.
This time it is with a friend I grew up with and knew quite well.
We were carrying a log for some reason.
The both of us were barefoot and it didn't matter.
I remember walking over glass at that moment of noticing my bare feet as if my dream was teaching me a lesson to wear shoes.
At that instant of walking over glass my mother called me.
The way in which I spoke with her is bizarre.
It wasn't on a cell phone, but on a projection of her face on the inside of my eye ball like a projection screen.
She called me and I had no ability to not pick up the call.
She asked me if I had heard about Jimmy (another high school friend).
I told her that I had no idea what she was talking about and she told me that she heard about his story on the news.
He died in the line of duty and I remember feeling extremely sad at the news.
I reflected back on the time we drove in his Ford Escort and then thought about him in a military uniform over in the Middle East.
Back to carrying the log and the street turned into a sandy path between some homes.
On the other side of the homes I could hear the crashing waves of the ocean and next thing I know, my friend and I are on the sand and watching the waves.
I should inform you that this friend who is carrying the log with me is the same friend that surfed with me when I was younger in real life so in the dream it felt natural that he was on the sand with me and assessing the size of the waves.
The end.

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