Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Woman shows me her boobs

Today I was in my car driving around town doing some errands or something. All the windows were down because it's kind of warm and the radio is off. I like the silence. I'm at a stoplight and this redneck mobile pulls up next to me. From the car I hear this woman screaming. She's excited about something and just screaming out the window. She clearly sees that all my windows are down so she directs her energy into my car.
Now I am right next to this woman as she's doing this but I pay her no attention. I knew that's what she wanted. So she continues to scream and I hear someone from her own party of rednecks tell her to shut up. She pays him no mind and sticks her head out the window at me and screams louder. Still, I pay her no attention.
It's at this moment I want to turn and tell her that her desperate attempt at getting the attention of a stranger is not going to work. I then think, well shit. If I do that then she wins. So I roll up the windows instead. Fast forward to the next stoplight. I'm not making this up. She gets out of the car and walks up to my window taps her stupid little finger to get my attention and begins to flap her arms around and scream like she just won the lottery or something. I look her dead in the eyes with an indifference even she could understand.
I shit you not, she takes off her shirt and bra, all while the light is still red, and begins to shake her titties at me. She looked like one of those wacky flailing arm tube men thing. Except she had the addition of boobs. Side note: do such things exists?

I was blown away by the desperation for attention this redneck woman needed but maintained a less than pleased face. The light turned green and I went about staying in front of that car until I no longer saw it. An old man once said, "Once you see one pair of titties, you've seen them all." I am going to amend that and add, "but sometimes you have to see what you don't want to see."

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