Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mr. Kazoo

It was yesterday that I witnessed a man with a kazoo and a murder of crows. I just finished purchasing a lotto ticket and as I was walking out the door of the liquor store, I heard a kazoo. Now I should explain that where I live, we don’t often hear kazoos. I watched as this man walked down the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street tooting this kazoo for the crows behind him. In his left hand was a bag of food. On his right hand was a latex glove. He would blow the kazoo and point with his entire right arm in the direction he wanted these crows to fly. He would reward them by placing whatever food he had in the bag on the ground for them. I watched him for  a moment with an obvious stance. I did not care if he saw me looking at him and his birds. This was a rare sight.

He would blow the kazoo and point with his arm many more times before crossing the street. The birds only feet behind him flying up from where he just laid food and up to wherever he was pointing. Ask he crossed the street he looked back over his shoulder for the first time I saw (to check if the birds were even still following him I presume) and gave a quick melody on the kazoo. I hate to use that word as it was more like someone trying to forcefully blow up an industrial size balloon. He pointed across to the store I just left and didn’t let his arm down until through the doors. By this point I had moved out of his way and waited to see if the crows would follow this scarecrow looking individual in. They did not so I left for home.


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