Thursday, September 5, 2013

Let's get this restarted


I want this blog to be fun. I want to write about all the little things that take place in my head. The stories I’ve accumulated over the years and some of the things I’ve made up. My many desires in life, including my newest fascination with the idea of being a stand up comic. The dreams I have that leave me so very confused in the morning time. Lots. I want to post at least one thing a week and hopefully more. I figure that during the winter months I will be posting a fair amount more than in the summer months.

With all that being said, I want to start things off with an observation I had the other night. I was lying on my bed watching Louis CK and it occurred to me that the Internet is AMAZING. Lying there, I realized that the small 17” screen on the desk across the room from my bed acted more like a portal than a projector. I immediately thought this observation was ridiculous. It’s a computer monitor playing a stand-up special I have seen dozens of times. But it’s not all that ridiculous when compared with life of even 25 years ago. The ability to lie on my bed and not have to move while being entertained is AMAZING. I think about farm life or even pioneers and what sorts of lives those people live and I can’t help but laugh. They did what for fun? They didn’t do shit for fun is the answer. I often times sit at my computer desk BORED. Why am I so bored with everything?! It’s ridiculous to me that I am bored when there is SOOO much to look at online. Let’s think about Mr. Pioneer again for a second. Most of these people probably dug holes for fun. They put steel bars sticking straight up out of the earth and threw used horse shoes at them. OR maybe fun for them was finding a wish bone of tree limbs and walking around until the point stuck into the ground. The fun part being that it stuck in the ground. That’s it. And that shit was fun for them (or at least hypothetically). Who knows though, maybe fun for them was peeling the skin off fox skulls and licking cow eyeballs. Or maybe fun was shitting on the bench of your neighbors wagon or sticking their dick into a horse’s ass. Who knows.

What I am getting at is that we have so much CRAP in this world and none of it matters. Not a single thing matters. Try and name two things that you would literally die if you did not have. Don’t be petty and say food or shelter either you twat.

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