Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The picking you up and bringing you home lines

The picking you up and bringing you home lines.
By Nathanael King

This is my interpretation of a poet trying to pick up a female at a bar.
This is what I imagine he might say.

I will devote the depths of my swimming fingers
to your holy canyon.

I will orbit your stoplight
like a thousand pulsating pedestrians.

I will punish your ivory Bell House
until your monthly blood decides your ropes need a break.

I will calculate the infinities of length times width
in your early morning solution.

I will theorize the probability of traveling faster
back and fourth in time
only stopping to rest on the moon of your ornament
two, maybe three times.

I will divide your cells with my atmospheric rod.

I will sojourn my perpendicular girth
into the swamp of your pocket
for as long as you keep treading water.

I will sway my pendulum
left, then right my Eve
and ask you to rename the ovulations in this kingdom.

I will co-operate the satisfactions in sequence
with a sliding barrel-organ
so long as your economy
reciprocates in rhythmical undulations.

I will tend your perennial
until it hoods in full blood.

I will pound your beach front property
with a frothing ebb and flow.

I will till your soil as an earthworm
in a garden vase.

I will quietly supplicate the fastidious organ
of your alter.

I will unearth every artifact
in the hallway of your museum.

I will delicately delve.

Foot note: works best when whispered.

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