Sunday, December 21, 2014

Explosions in the night

It happened again last night. Around 2am I woke and walked into the bathroom and the creepy tangles of my subconscious tickled the arches of my feet. I'm about to admit something to the Internet in the hopes that I am not entirely alone in this.

So here goes. In my sleepy mind I fear that an earth-ending explosion is imminent. I brace for it in a collected manner similar to someone extremely high on mushrooms forcing themselves to believe that the hallucinations are just that, hallucinations. Flushing the toilet triggers this feeling of impending chaos and it makes zero rational sense to my awake brain when I remember it later, but it happens nonetheless.

Imagine how you would feel in a haunted house as you approach a closed door. Come on! You know the scream is gathering force in your throat as you go to turn the knob. Now inject that spike of adrenaline into your veins and try to go back to sleep. The craziest part about all of this is that I am perfectly fine walking through my house in pitch black at any other point. Wake me up and ask me to go pee in the middle of the night though and I just might become hyper alert to the nothingness outside and think a nuclear bomb is set to go off in the col da sac. 

I've also had a slightly different version happen to me where I fear the collapse of everything around me. Stuff like the walls beginning to hum and out of the darkness comes an ear-piercing wail of a spirit from some realm unknown to mankind. I'm weird I know. I blame it on being told to be creative. Letting go and thinking about the irrational is fun sometimes though.